Beauty Perspectives: Living Yolates - Interview with LY Founder Mikkala Marilyn Kissi
Today we sit down with Mikkala Marilyn Kissi, Founder of Living Yolates to talk all about the beauty of movement, how we can cultivate a more loving relationship with our face and body, the connection between beauty & purpose and trusting yourself as you figure things out. Mikkala shares her beauty routines with us and takes us with her through a typical day in her life.
A note from &Spirit Founder Isabelle: Mikkala has been one of the most important mentors on my spiritual journey so far and I am very grateful I get to interview her today and share some of her wisdom with you. Whenever you get the chance to experience working with her live, don't miss it. It might very well change the course of your life.
Can you tell us a little bit about Living Yolates and its origins?
Living Yolates is a holistic training method, philosophy, and lifestyle, born from my desire to move my body in a way that feels free, joyful, strengthening, and nourishing. With years of experience as a professional dancer and musician, and a deep love and respect for nature. Living Yolates blends together principles of yoga, pilates, dance, breath and energy work, meditation and mindfulness – together, this way of living, moving, and connecting goes well beyond exercise. Though the method is for people looking to strengthen, increase mobility and flexibility, and to have a daily practice they enjoy, the philosophy can go as deep as you’re ready to let it in. The intention of Living Yolates is for you to embody the vibration of love and trust, to create more freedom in your body, mind, and spirit in your daily life.
I remember the first time I practiced Living Yolates live with you.* It really blew my mind and had such a deep impact on how I felt. What do you think makes Living Yolates so special?
I created Living Yolates after not quite finding the perfect method or philosophy for the way I wanted to live and how I wanted to feel. I didn’t intend to create something special, just something that worked for me. I quickly realized that others too resonated with the way I loved to move and that the Living Yolates had a special ability to help people embody deep spiritual work, release tensions, heal, and transform through movement, joy, play, and mindfulness. Living Yolates gives you the space, permission, tools, and support to flourish into your fullest potential, in alignment with your passions and purpose.
(*Editors note: This was at the Golden Circle Retreat in Bali 2017. One year later I joined Mikkala for the 250h LY Teacher Training in Bali.)
What are your daily routines? And how do you make space for them in everyday family life?
My ideal day begins early with some meditation, grounding time in nature, and with whatever time I may have for my movement practice. This changes depending on how my body feels, what it needs, and the time of year. Then comes breakfast preparation for my children, along with lunch making, and some morning play and laughter before they head off to school. My morning routine doesn’t always have time and space for my personal practice as sleep and rest is incredibly important. So if I am not well-rested I will prioritize sleep and find other ways to move and connect to myself throughout the day. While my children are at school, my day could include filming for The Living Yolates Circle, meetings, trainings for Living Yolates educations, messaging with my team about upcoming needs and priorities, and dreaming up new opportunities for the future! Once the children are home, I try my best to pour my energy and spirit into nourishing my family by doing something together, in nature if we can! Sometimes I teach night classes here in Copenhagen or have evening training sessions, but mostly my evenings are for emails, catching up, and connecting with my husband and family!
How does your current skin care routine look like?
I believe that healthy skin starts from the inside out so pure water, lots of fruits and veggies, limited gluten, cow’s milk dairy, alcohol and coffee. A nourished body will allow for nourished skin.
I love oil cleansing and use many serums and oils from Karmameju. Sometimes washing and oiling my face or setting aside time for a special facemask is one of the most beautiful rituals.
Facial acupuncture cups are a new part of my skincare, and I love to roll with Moshi Moshi Mind’s jade roller or use a gua sha tool when I need a pick me up or I’m feeling tired or puffy.
Skin brushing is always a great way to rid your body of toxins, support your lymph, and cleanse the skin too!
When do you feel most beautiful?
I feel the most beautiful and sensual when I’m in nature, dancing, connecting to my sacral and root chakras, unlocking my hips, and fully in tune with my sensuality, passion, desire, and purpose. Sexuality and sensuality is a huge part of life, creativity, and joy and moving in ways that help me to tap into that energy always makes me feel beautiful for ME, no one else.
In your opinion, what's the connection between beauty & purpose?
I’d say that beauty is attraction and that the law of attraction guides me in so much of what I do. You attract what you give out, what you shine into the world, creates your reality. If you work to cultivate a life you love, full of things, practices, and people that ignite your inner flame, then it will be possible to continue to live within that vibration, attracting more of that than you could ever imagine.
I think once you’re living and radiating in a way that is true to who you are, that is the true meaning of beauty, and you’ll shine to the rest of the world! That’s the ultimate purpose!
How can we develop a more loving relationship with our face and body?
Cultivating a loving relationship with your body and yourself relies on you being in tune with yourself, getting to know yourself, letting go of limiting old beliefs that you have told yourself or others have told you. Living for you, your needs, your passion and purpose, and making your life your own will provide you with the confidence and power to stand tall in who you are, to love who you are. This can be a long and hard journey for some and it’s not easy but start small, day by day, begin treating yourself like the person you love most in the world and you’ll pick up the pieces and tools to learn how to provide for ourselves in a way that’s nourishing and loving.
Any favourite products we should check out?
I listed some in my skincare routine but I love Herbal Salvation, Living Libations.
As far as I know you have been self-employed from the start. What is your no. 1 tip for those who are right at the beginning of their entrepreneurial journey?
If you are doing something you really believe in, you’re going to have to work hard, and it will always pay off. Don’t expect to have all the answers figured out before you start and don’t wait to make it happen! Trust yourself to develop, problem solve, and figure things out as you go. Follow your intuition, your passion and purpose - make sure it’s something you really love!
If somebody wants to start practicing LY, where is the best place for them to go?
The Living Yolates Circle* is the best place to start! We also have a few select programs on YouTube if you want to start small. The LYC is updated with new programs weekly and has a huge archive of movement videos to meet your needs, as well as lifestyle and holistic wellness work to support you every step of the way.
*Use code andspirit for a free month at the Living Yolates Circle.
What is on the horizon for Living Yolates?
Living Yolates will be co-hosting a few retreats this year and next around the world and we can’t wait to see you there. Also, one of my dreams is coming true as I write the Living Yolates book, a deep dive into the method, philosophy, and lifestyle of Living Yolates.
Living Yolates
To explore this amazing training form for yourself, visit the Living Yolates Circle or check out the LY Youtube Channel.
Use code andspirit for a free month at the Living Yolates Circle.*
Nothing beats a real-life LY Session with Mikkala, so if you get the chance to join one of her retreats, go for it.
Photo Credit: Living Yolates, Mikkala Marilyn Kissi.
Mikkala was interviewed by Isabelle Brockbals, Founder of &Spirit.
*Affiliate Partnership.