Great Women behind Great Products: Sophie from Avea Life
“It’s obvious we are all ageing, but it’s time to decide how we want to age and there are ways to do that.” - Sophie Chabloz
Is there a better way to age? Today we sit down with Sophie Chabloz, Co-Founder of the Longevity brand Avea Life and talk about what Longevity really means, how Longevity Supplements can help us stay healthy as we age and how she navigates being a new mum and business owner.
Tell us a little bit about your brand, what does it stand for?
Avea Life is more than just a longevity dietary supplement company, it’s a whole philosophy of living life to the fullest without feeling limited by the years but rather empowered by the accumulated experience. It’s not about “anti-ageing”, it’s about ageing with power.
What is it about longevity that fascinates you the most? Why is this topic special to you?
Longevity is something everyone wants a “piece” of, yet no one wants to get old. People associate getting old with suffering. So, what longevity really means for us is “longer healthspan”, meaning the number of years in good health, not lifespan. There’s no point living up to be 100 or even 80, if you spend the last 20-30 years of it in poor health. It’s obvious we are all ageing, but it’s time to decide how we want to age and there are ways to do that.
The topic of longevity has been special to me for a long time. I’ve seen my grandparents suffer from type 2 diabetes, kidney issues and Alzheimer’s disease and even if it’s too late for them now, I truly believe there’s a better way to age and it’s not too late to share it with everyone who can still do something.
When would be a good time to begin taking longevity supplements?
Prevention is key. A lot of what you do in your 20s and 30s will have an impact on your future health. I personally take our products at 33 and it’s really helping me with my energy levels and metabolism.
The nice thing is, our supplements work in both, preventive and reparative ways. So you can take them as of mid-twenties as an investment in your future health, in your late 30s-40s to slow the first signs of ageing and after 50 to help rejuvenate your cells and reverse some of the damage.
How do people feel after taking Avea’s supplements? What are the benefits?
After supplementing with our Vitality Bundle (NMN and Booster) for only a month, people report having way more energy. But the effect is not like coffee or an energy drink, which act on your brain and only give you a short-lived kick. Our supplements work with your body so you get better at producing and sustaining energy from within.
A lot of consumers also notice it is easier for them to lose some or maintain weight thanks to an increased metabolism.
Other reported effects are: enhanced physical performance and stamina, quicker muscle recovery, sharper focus and clearer mind, better sleep, glowing smoother skin and an overall feeling of better health and wellbeing.
Oh wow, that sounds great! What’s the mechanism of action behind?
Our bodies naturally produce a molecule called NAD (Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) which is responsible for numerous processes within our cells, notably the production of energy. It is also involved in DNA protection and repair mechanisms.
Unfortunately, NAD levels decline as we age (starting in our 30s and dropping by 50% by the time we reach 50). This means our bodies aren’t as efficient anymore at producing energy and repairing itself.
Our products change that by replenishing NAD to youthful levels so your cells can work better and ultimately your whole body works better.
The NMN is a direct precursor of NAD, meaning it gets turned into NAD after intake.
The Booster is a combination of 5 active ingredients that act in synergy to support the action of the NMN so you get even faster and more efficient results. It also has strong antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties, as well as a neuroprotective effect.
How did you come up with these products? How did you select the ingredients?
I did a lot of research (some started already years ago when I was still writing my master thesis!), read a lot of studies and talked to leading experts in the longevity field. I also looked at what the competition was missing, ingredient-wise but also dosage-wise. Then I put all of my knowledge together to design a formula that would have the best ingredient synergies.
Then I went on a hunt to find reputable suppliers offering high quality, more bioavailable and pure ingredients (and we actually test again for purity with an independent lab in Switzerland). It’s important to me that we don’t compromise on quality. That’s why our products are on the pricier side.
How do you navigate being a new mum and business owner? How do you make sure you have time to take care of yourself?
First of all, accept that you can’t do it all 100% all the time and let go of unrealistic expectations.
Now that we got that one out of the way, I believe the key for balance and success are:
Surround yourself with a great team, you can’t do it alone.
Delegate as much as you can (and can afford to…but do realise that it frees up time and time really is money!) at work and privately (I couldn’t manage to keep a clean place without a cleaning lady!).
Make sure your partner is on board so he or she can best support you.
Schedule time in your calendar for reading and keeping up with the topics you’re passionate about (consider it a part of your job!)
Schedule time for selfcare as well: exercise, acupuncture, massages, naps, time in nature, you name it… (“if you don’t schedule it, it will never happen”, learned this from the best, aka my husband.)
Don’t try to multitask (it’s a myth) and try to be fully present in the moment: e.g. if I’m in a meeting, my entire mind should be on work mode paying attention to what my colleagues are saying and when I’m with my son, then I try my best to give him my full attention…I know, it’s easier said than done, especially with a constantly phone glued to my hand. It’s work in progress!
Take deep belly breaths when you feel overwhelmed and know that a good night of sleep can really make it all better, so try not to compromise on sleep and get at least 7h per night (with your phone in another room and on flight mode!).
What is your latest discovery in terms of health & wellness?
PEMF*. It’s amazing. I just invested in a PEMF mattress and use it consistently almost every day. It really has a tremendous effect on me, I feel way more relaxed, clear-minded and I also think my sleep quality is improving. It’s been really easy to implement in my wellness routine and I look forward to stopping everything and just laying on it in the evenings. I researched the topic quite a bit before spending money on it and I really think it can have many health benefits.
*Editors note: PEMF=Pulsed electromagnetic field therapy.
How does your current skincare/wellness routine look like?
For skincare I really try to focus on ingredients that work and follow the science: vitamin C serum, certain peptides, retinol in the evening and always wearing SPF during the day. I also use an Infrared LED mask a few times a week, it helps stimulate collagen production.
For my body, I try to take time to dry brush before almost every shower to activate the lymphatic system and blood flow. I end my shower with 2 minutes of cold water. And I try to go to the sauna once a week where I also alternate between heat and cold (it’s really good for you!)
What books are you currently reading?
It’s been a while since I read an actual book. I tend to read lifestyle/health/science blog articles and studies.
I do listen to audiobooks though. I’ve got 2 in rotation at the moment: “Deep nutrition” by Dr. Catherine Shanahan and “Life Force” by Tony Robbins (who’s now also playing on the longevity field!)
What resources would you recommend for people who want to dive deeper into the topic of longevity?
Books are great. The first one I’d recommend to get deeper into the topic is “Lifespan” by Prof. David Sinclair (A longevity expert from Harvard).
If you don’t have that much time to read, you can follow a bunch of “biohackers” on social media, they usually make the information more digestible.
But really, one should start with the base: proper nutrition & hydration, exercise, sleep, stress management, a rich social life, the right dietary supplements (such as our Vitality Bundle!) and then dive deeper into more advanced longevity treatments and technologies.
It’s really a whole, “healthy mind in a healthy body”.
High Quality Longevity Supplements - Made in the UK, formulated in Switzerland.
Make sure to enter code &SPIRIT15 to get 15% off at checkout.
Photo Credit: Avea Life
Sophie was interviewed by Isabelle Brockbals, Founder of &Spirit.
To learn more about Longevity make sure to follow Avea Life on Instagram.